Board Members Present
George DeMartz President
Bill Jones Treasurer
Shannon Turner Secretary
Dave Travis
David Dick
Travis Murphy
Theresa Bell
Lisa Dommes Past President
Board Members Absent
Andrew Shaffer
Frank Krause
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.
Reading of Mission Statement
The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ competitors, steak competitors, backyard cooks, certified judges, organizers and others united by love of America’s cuisine–BBQ! MABA provides information to its members about backyard BBQ, competition steak and BBQ, and the BBQ and grilling industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Shannon Turner read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the January meeting, the Annual meeting and these minutes will be approved during the March meeting.
Election of Officers
Nominations for Officers:
o President: George DeMartz – nominated by Shannon Turner; seconded by Travis Murphy; carried unanimously
o Vice President: Travis Murphy – nominated by George DeMartz; seconded by Dave Travis; carried unanimously
o Secretary: Shannon Turner – nominated by Travis Murphy; seconded by Theresa Bell; carried unanimously
o Treasurer: Bill Jones – nominated by Dave Travis; seconded by Shannon Turner; carried unanimously
A. State Cup & Belt awards budget. George DeMartz will send out Facebook polls for the State Cups
a. DE
b. MD
c. NJ
d. NY
e. PA
f. WV
g. VA
h. NC
• George DeMartz will send a poll to agree day of monthly Board meeting.
Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion
A. Publications Committee – Travis Murphy will take over committee.
B. Website/Technology Committee – TBD; Chris Schriver is willing to be on the committee
C. Finance Committee – Bill Jones will continue to lead committee.
D. Banquet Committee – Lisa Dommes will lead committee; Travis Murphy, David Dick, Theresa Bell would like to participate on committee; include Sponsorship subcommittee under Banquet Committee
E. Nominations Committee – TBD
F. Membership (including ToY) – David Dick will take over committee
G. Strategic Planning – Travis Murphy will take over committee
H. Contest Committee – TBD; Committee is a resource for contest organizers and organizations to build, run and host a successful contest. Build a resource guide.
Unfinished Business – To Discuss in March
A. Discuss standardizing some wording on the election and results due to the nature of the bylaw conflict and election timeframe.
a. Bylaws are clear on BOD member installation timeframe, our election was early
i. We want our new BOD members to help, assist, onboard and voice opinions.
New Business – To Discuss in March
B. President’s Award – There was discussion about reviving the President’s Award, presented to an outstanding volunteer. Traditionally, the Board President has selected the recipient. Since it is a MABA award, should give a plaque or something similar – can add this to the Steel Images order or use a local award company.
C. Individual Motions/Votes to fund the MABA Programs – will table until after banquet
a. Steak
b. BY
c. Tier II
d. Tier I
e. MABA Cup
D. New Program Discussion (Do we have any, will it cost money?) – will table until after banquet
The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: George DeMartz; Second: Travis Murphy; motion passed unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner
Secretary, MABA
Board Members Present
George DeMartz President
Greg Boggs Vice President
Shannon Turner Secretary
Bill Jones Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Travis Murphy
Andrew Shaffer
David Dick
Frank Krause
Lisa Dommes Past President
Board Members Absent
Dave Travis
Chris Schriver
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.
Thanks to outgoing board members and welcome to new board members.
Need committee help – please volunteer
The meeting adjourned at 12:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary
Board Members Present
George DeMartz President
Greg Boggs Vice President
Bill Jones Treasurer
Shannon Turner Secretary
Dave Travis
Travis Murphy
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Theresa Bell
David Dick
Frank Krause
Lisa Dommes Past President
Board Members Absent
Andrew Shaffer
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.
Reading of Mission Statement
The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ competitors, steak competitors, backyard cooks, certified judges, organizers and others united by love of America’s cuisine–BBQ!
MABA provides information to its members about backyard BBQ, competition steak and BBQ, and the BBQ and grilling industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.
George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Travis Murphy moved to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2022 Board Meeting as presented. Chris Schriver seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion
A. Publications Committee – Chris Schriver provided an update on social media activity.
B. Website/Technology Committee – Chris Schriver
C. Finance Committee – Bill Jones provided the December financial reports.
D. Banquet Committee – Jon Wade and Mac Talbert will be collaborating on the catering and menu. Donations will be sought for the contest raffle, cooker raffle and general raffle.
E. Nominations Committee – Lisa Dommes/Chris Schriver
F. Membership – Greg Boggs provided the membership reports
G. Strategic Planning – Greg w/assistance from George (current Bylaws dictate this)
H. Contest Committee – Committee is a resource for contest organizers and organizations to build, run and host a successful contest. Build a resource guide.
Unfinished Business
A. Welcome New BOD members Frank Krause, David Dick, Andy Shaffer and returning BOD Members Bill Jones & George DeMartz
a. Discuss Bylaws and installation of BOD Members after the Annual Meeting (Banquet)
b. Discuss standardizing some wording on the election and results due to the nature of the bylaw conflict and election timeframe.
i. Bylaws are clear on BOD member installation timeframe, our election was early
ii. We want our new BOD members to help, assist, onboard and voice opinions.
New Business
A. President’s Award – There was discussion about reviving the President’s Award, presented to an outstanding volunteer. Traditionally, the Board President has selected the recipient. Since it is a MABA award, should give a plaque or something similar – can add this to the Steel Images order or use a local award company.
B. Banquet Menu
a. Need to finalize / work with Jon / Mac / David Dick / George DeMartz – Italian style banquet menu (family style)
C. Banquet Presentation / Highlights / Accomplishments: Use presentation from last year and update for 2022 – George DeMartz will circulate; everyone should provide contributions; need to add Memorials, etc.
D. Create event for banquet so members can register – Chris Schriver
E. Raffle Discussion
a. How are we going to organize the raffle – IE: Masters / BY / Steak / Product / Other items. Use the tickets for the raffle we have on hand; individuals who contacted folks last year, contact the same this year for contest raffles; consider emailing contest vouchers to winners; use a QR code on the voucher so the team is led to a site to populate any data
b. George DeMartz will set up a weekly meeting to finalize banquet details
c. Summary of Raffle Items (Need committee)
i. Cooker Raffle
ii. On-Site Raffle
F. KCBS BOD Endorsement by MABA – Send a reminder to members that two MABA members are running for KCBS BOD and go out and vote. George DeMartz proposed that we raise awareness that two MABA members are running for KCBS BOD via social media and Mad Mimi, please consider voting and have your voice heard. Include hyperlinks to KCBS Bios. Travis Murphy and George DeMartz will develop language and add the post to social media.
G. Question from team re: whether 1 meat contests contribute to Tier 2 ToY. Per the MABA rules, only 4 meat contests go towards ToY/contest numbers. Will need to double-check how the BBQ Data information comes into the MABA standings.
H. MABA logo inclusion on SCA shirt
I. Individual Motions/Votes to fund the MABA Programs – will table until after banquet
a. Steak
b. BY
c. Tier II
d. Tier I
e. MABA Cup
J. TOY Notification in advance of banquet – George DeMartz will notify the recipients
K. New Program Discussion (Do we have any, will it cost money?) – will table until after banquet
L. MABA STATE CUP CONTEST LOCATION – will table until after banquet
M. State Cup & Belt awards budget.
a. DE
i. ?
b. MD
i. ?
c. NJ
i. ?
d. NY
i. ?
e. PA
i. ?
f. WV
i. ?
g. VA
i. ?
h. NC
i. ?
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: Bill Jones; Second: Shannon Turner; motion passed unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner
Secretary, MABA
Board Members Present
George DeMartz President
Greg Boggs Vice President
Bill Jones Treasurer
Shannon Turner Secretary
Dave Travis
Travis Murphy
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Theresa Bell
David Dick
Frank Krause
Lisa Dommes Past President
Board Members Absent
Andrew Shaffer
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.
Reading of Mission Statement
The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ
competitors, steak competitors, backyard cooks, certified judges, organizers and others united by
love of America’s cuisine–BBQ!Â
MABA provides information to its members about backyard BBQ, competition steak and BBQ,
and the BBQ and grilling industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle
for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.
George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Travis Murphy moved to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2022 Board Meeting as
presented. Chris Schriver seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion
A. Publications Committee – Chris Schriver provided an update on social media activity.
B. Website/Technology Committee – Chris Schriver
C. Finance Committee – Bill Jones provided the December financial reports.
D. Banquet Committee – Jon Wade and Mac Talbert will be collaborating on the catering and
menu. Donations will be sought for the contest raffle, cooker raffle and general raffle.
E. Nominations Committee – Lisa Dommes/Chris Schriver
F. Membership – Greg Boggs provided the membership reports
G. Strategic Planning – Greg w/assistance from George (current Bylaws dictate this)
H. Contest Committee – Committee is a resource for contest organizers and organizations to
build, run and host a successful contest. Build a resource guide.
Unfinished Business
A. Welcome New BOD members Frank Krause, David Dick, Andy Shaffer and returning
BOD Members Bill Jones & George DeMartz
a. Discuss Bylaws and installation of BOD Members after the Annual Meeting
b. Discuss standardizing some wording on the election and results due to the nature
of the bylaw conflict and election timeframe.
i. Bylaws are clear on BOD member installation timeframe, our election was
ii. We want our new BOD members to help, assist, onboard and voice
1. Transition timeline discussed at a high level to be considered prior
to next election
B. Banquet Awards and Trophies
a. Awards have been ordered; George DeMartz will send the template out for
i. Can only have 30% donations to remain at current organization level so
will table the donation offer for additional awards until next year when the
bylaws can be reviewed/potentially updated; Frank Krause will begin to
review the financial implications of accepting new gifts.
b. Venue has been secured
c. Shuttle bus has been cancelled due to lack of CDL licensed driver
d. Working on hotel block; George DeMartz, David Dick and Lisa Dommes will
work offline on this
e. Create a sign-up sheet for committees for the banquet asking for volunteers
C. Smithfield and Butcher Shoppe contributions; George DeMartz is working with B&B for
any contributions; need Chiles’ help to get final commitments from Oklahoma Joe’s.
Chris Schriver will contact Mason Dixon for Rookie Team of the Year; Gunter Willheim
has been contacted for knives/knife rolls
D. ToY Points / Position Audit
a. An audit of the TOY standings is underway, and adjustments are being made as necessary.
David Dick has done a lot in 2022 to validate the scores and add automation.
New Business
A. President’s Award – There was discussion about reviving the President’s Award, presented
to an outstanding volunteer. Traditionally, the Board President has selected the recipient.
Since it is a MABA award, should give a plaque or something similar – can add this to the
Steel Images order or use a local award company.
B. Banquet Menu
a. Need to finalize / work with Jon / Mac / David Dick / George DeMartz – Italian style
banquet menu (family style)
C. Banquet Presentation / Highlights / Accomplishments: Use presentation from last year and
update for 2022 – George DeMartz will circulate; everyone should provide contributions;
need to add Memorials, etc.
D. Create event for banquet so members can register – Chris Schriver
E. Raffle Discussion
a. How are we going to organize the raffle – IE: Masters / BY / Steak / Product / Other
items. Use the tickets for the raffle we have on hand; individuals who contacted folks
last year, contact the same this year for contest raffles; consider emailing contest
vouchers to winners; use a QR code on the voucher so the team is led to a site to
populate any data
b. George DeMartz will set up a weekly meeting to finalize banquet details
c. Summary of Raffle Items (Need committee)
i. Cooker Raffle
ii. On-Site Raffle
F. KCBS BOD Endorsement by MABA – Send a reminder to members that two MABA
members are running for KCBS BOD and go out and vote. George DeMartz proposed that
we raise awareness that two MABA members are running for KCBS BOD via social media
and Mad Mimi, please consider voting and have your voice heard. Include hyperlinks to
KCBS Bios. Travis Murphy and George DeMartz will develop language and add the post to
social media.
G. Question from team re: whether 1 meat contests contribute to Tier 2 ToY. Per the MABA
rules, only 4 meat contests go towards ToY/contest numbers. Will need to double-check how
the BBQ Data information comes into the MABA standings.
H. MABA logo inclusion on SCA shirt
I. Individual Motions/Votes to fund the MABA Programs – will table until after banquet
a. Steak
b. BY
c. Tier II
d. Tier I
e. MABA Cup
J. TOY Notification in advance of banquet – George DeMartz will notify the recipients
K. New Program Discussion (Do we have any, will it cost money?) – will table until after
L. MABA STATE CUP CONTEST LOCATION – will table until after banquet
M. State Cup & Belt awards budget.
a. DE
i. ?
b. MD
i. ?
c. NJ
i. ?
d. NY
i. ?
e. PA
i. ?
f. WV
i. ?
g. VA
i. ?
h. NC
i. ?
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: Bill Jones; Second: Shannon Turner; motion passed unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner
Secretary, MABA
The Mid Atlantic Barbecue Association has partnered with Lancaster BBQ Supply to provide the opportunity to win an Alfa ONE Nano Outdoor Woodfired Pizza Oven valued at $1,399.00.
This superbly designed woodfired oven was built to the highest Italian quality. The compact, lightweight oven weighs only 110 pounds and can go from 32°F to 750°F in just 10 minutes and has a maximum temperature of 1000+F. Cooks a Neapolitan pizza in 60 seconds.
Included with the Alfa ONE Nano Outdoor Pizza Oven
It takes only five minutes to assemble the Alfa ONE Nano oven. When it arrives, simply screw on the leveling legs to the four corners of the oven. Next, screw the handle to the door and the pizza peel. Next, place the flue up inside the oven and put the chimney fowl on it. Put the wood basket in the center of the cooking floor and you are ready to start your pizza party!
Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20.
Tickets will be sold online until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, August 19, 2022.
Your ticket numbers will be generated at random. Your tickets will be put into the drawing which will be held on Saturday, August 20, 2022.
You do not need to be a MABA member to purchase raffle tickets.
Arrangements will need to be made with the supplier for pickup/shipping. Any costs for customization or upgrades to the models donated, taxes, shipping costs, and/or other crating costs are the sole responsibility of the winner. Limit one win per person. Colors may vary from those pictured.
Additional prizes will be awarded:
Wusthof knife set to include a Cooking School Knife Bag, four knives, and kitchen shears, with a retail value of $755.
Emile Henry 18″ x 14″ Pizza Stone with a retail value of $85
Each prize will include Bobby T’s Pizza Sauce and Seasoning to finish off your pizza party right!
Please thank Lancaster BBQ Supply for their generous ongoing support of MABA, and be sure to shop them online and in person!
Board Members Present
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Dave Travis
Board Members Absent
Travis Murphy
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chris Schriver read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Chris Schriver moved to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2022 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
State Cups
It needs to be determined who is ordering the State Cup trophies.
General Business
MABA Merchandise/Branding
Business cards with QR codes and stickers should be ordered to hand out at contests to advertise MABA. Discussions were had on this topic last year. There is interest in ordering MABA flags and vinyl logo stickers for purchase by MABA members. Can a place be set up online for members to buy MABA merchandise? Greg Boggs volunteered to pick this up.
Mission Statement Update
The mission statement should be updated to include Steak and Backyard. This will be discussed at a future BoD meeting.
Banquet Committee
There is interest to create a banquet committee who will work on the banquet throughout the year. George DeMartz has a proposal which will be distributed to the board members.
In the 2022 banquet slide presentation, recognition of business members was not included. Chris Schriver suggested adding a slide placeholder for recognition of business members as well as judges.
It is recommended that the price per guest for the banquet is raised.
It was suggested that ‘Judge of the Year’ is added as part of the banquet. A small gift bag or gas card could be provided to the recipient or winner of judge raffle.
George DeMartz pulled a list of members with upcoming renewals and the type of category they are participating in currently. Using the amount of money expected from renewals, this was compared to the 2021 expenses to estimate the budget numbers. Bill Jones reminded the board that we were viewing 2021 expenses, not 2022 expenses in the comparison. Based on the results, the board discussed whether the MABA annual dues are high enough. It needs to be determined what the cost is to run MABA in a non-Covid environment. An action for the board is to review the spreadsheet George DeMartz created and bring comments to the next board meeting.
Regarding finalization of the 2022 budget, can we decide on the final budget. Bill Jones indicated we are on rendition #6 and based on the numbers we have seen and what we have coming in, MABA will have a loss of $2300. There is money in the savings account to cover the deficit. George DeMartz recommended that we plan for an annual membership dues increase for 2023. If rates are raised, the board will need to show the benefit to the members to account for this increase.
Sponsorship Outreach
Chiles Cridlin is reaching out to Oklahoma Joe’s and Smithfield
Chris Schriver is reaching out to Chargriller.
B&B and The Butcher Shoppe should be contacted.
George DeMartz spoke to Mac Talbert who wants to put $5000 sponsorship money into MABA. Is there something that can be done for sponsors? Mac Talbert would like to promote large trophies for all places/categories for the banquet.
Big Jim wants to provide sponsorship (steak rubs).
Committee Reports
Committee updates will be the focus of the next board meeting.
• Backyard ToY: Chiles Cridlen has offered to reach out to KCBS to utilize the data they already track for Backyard ToY. Chiles Cridlen will put KCBS and Mark Kenny in touch.
• Steak Toy
Publications: No update
Website/Tech: Chris Schriver continues to publicize MABA activities/announcements via the website.
Finance: Please see Finance/Membership section.
Bylaws: No update provided.
Strategic Planning: No update provided.
Nominations: No update provided.
Contests: No update provided.
Other Business:
The Board discussed the MABA Cup Rules revision. No update on Backyard rules revision (how to calculate points with example). The board does not think changes for the Steak rules is required at this time.
Hank paid his annual MABA dues in cash at the banquet. George DeMartz will extend his membership in Membership Works.
Michael Fay
Should MABA memorialize Michael with a BBQ ambassador award, name a State Cup program after him, or something else? Thoughts and stories can be added on Facebook via the newsletter. George DeMartz motioned to spend $100 on flowers for the funeral or a donation. Shannon Turner seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Bill Jones will write a check for the flowers.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary
Board Members Present
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Dave Travis
Board Members Absent
Travis Murphy
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 1:18 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.
Thanks to outgoing board members and welcome to new board members.
2021 Notable Accomplishments
• Backyard and Steak ToY Programs
• Sponsorship development
• Increased business member focus
• Increased social media development
• Electronic BBQ news
• Expanding MABA newsletter
Rules Update
MABA Financials
MABA member notable accomplishments
Remembrance of friends we lost this past year
What is MABA to you?
George shared his thoughts on what MABA means to him
How can you help MABA?
The meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary
Board Members Present
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Travis Murphy
Dave Travis
Lisa Dommes (Advisory)
Board Members Absent
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chris Schriver read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Chris Schriver moved to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2022 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Dave Travis seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Banquet – General
The menu for the banquet was provided. A final count of attendees will be required 10 days before the banquet. All board members should continue to promote the banquet via social media. George DeMartz moved to accept the proposal from the caterer including the headcount cost, the inclusion of a non-alcoholic drinks and a cash bar for alcohol. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. It was agreed that board members should arrive at the banquet at 10am.
Banquet – Slideshow/Raffle/Trophies
The slideshow presentation with highlights and accomplishments has been drafted. Greg Boggs will provide a list of business members for the slideshow and website. There was discussion on how the raffle will be managed. Chris Schriver moved to set up a separate call to discuss the raffle and George Demartz seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The deposit for the trophies has been sent and final payment will be sent once the invoice has been received.
The board is waiting on a response from Smithfield.
State Cups
Delaware: TBD
Maryland: Maryland State BBQ Bash – 10/15/2022
Chris Schriver moved to agree to this contest being the Maryland State Cup and Travis Murphy seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Syd Norris indicated that this contest may be on the same date as the Royal Oak Invitational but the group agreed there were no other viable options so would keep the Maryland State BBQ Bash as the State Cup contest.
New Jersey: New Jersey KnoQ-Out Que Day 1 – 4/23/2022
Dave Travis moved to agree to this contest being the New Jersey State Cup and Greg Boggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
New York: I Love BBQ & Music Festival – 9/4/2022
Greg Boggs moved to agree to this contest being the New York State Cup and Theresa Bell seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Pennsylvania: Smoke in the Grove – 7/30/2022
George DeMartz moved to agree to this contest being the Pennsylvania State Cup and Greg Boggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
West Virginia: Almost Heaven BBQ Bash – 6/18/2022
Bill Jones moved to agree to this contest being the West Virginia State Cup and Theresa Bell seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Virginia: Wise Chillin’ and Grillin’ – 7/16/2022
George DeMartz moved to agree to this contest being the Virginia State Cup and Theresa Bell seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
North Carolina: Kings of Q – 5/21/2022
Shannon Turner moved to agree to this contest being the North Carolina State Cup and George DeMartz seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
George DeMartz will reach out to organizers to let them know they will have the State Cup.
Committee Reports
Membership: Greg Boggs will continue to lead the committee and provide the membership report.
â— Backyard ToY: Dave Travis and David Dick will work on Backyard ToY. David Dick has a spreadsheet to share with the committee.
â— Steak Toy
Publications: Chris Schriver will co-lead this committee with Dave Travis. Chris Schriver provided an update on the Publications Committee activities.
Website/Tech: Chris Schriver continues to publicize MABA activities/announcements via the website.
Finance: Bill Jones provided the financial report. The Board discussed providing a high level view of the MABA financials to the MABA organization. This will be tabled so that the Board can discuss and agree what will be provided, i.e., will this be added to the Members-Only portion of the MABA website?
Bylaws: No update provided.
Strategic Planning: No update provided.
Nominations: Chris Schriver and Teresa Bell will co-lead this committee.
Contests: A motion was proposed by Shannon Turner to create a separate committee for new contests and judging. Greg Boggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. AJ was proposed to lead the committee and Andrew Schafer, David Dick, and Joel Abee were proposed to help. It was agreed that a mission statement should be developed. The committee should try to help develop MABA resources for organizers, such as a guide on how to organize a contest (could use KCBS materials as a reference). The materials could be created by the committee member and then sent to potential organizers by a Board member.
Other Business:
The Board discussed the MABA Cup Rules revision. This will be tabled until the March board meeting.
The Board discussed raising the dues for MABA members. This will be tabled until the March board meeting.
The funding of MABA programs was discussed and they will continue to be funded for the next year.
George DeMartz proposed Lisa Dommes continuing to attend the MABA Board meetings as an honorary board member with no voting rights. Chris Schriver seconded the motion and it was unanimously agreed.
New Business
The board discussed setting up a Banquet committee to work year-round on the banquet. Theresa Bell agreed to help with this.
Board members who haven’t provided their bios to Chris Schriver should do so as soon as possible.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary
Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes, President (Outgoing)
George DeMartz, Vice President
Theresa Bell, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Chiles Cridlin (Outgoing)
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Shannon Turner
Travis Murphy
Dave Travis
Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila (Outgoing)
Call to Order
Lisa Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chris Schriver read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
George DeMartz moved to approve the minutes of the November 30, 2021 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Election of Board Members
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Thank you to the outgoing members: Lisa, Chiles, Ercole
Committee Reports
Backyard ToY: Travis will continue to work on Backyard ToY along with David Dick
Membership: Greg Boggs will continue to lead the committee and provided the membership report.
Publications: Chris Schriver will co-lead this committee with Dave Travis. Chris provided an update on the Publications Committee activities.
Website/Tech: Chris Schriver will lead this committee with help from Syd and Dave Travis. David Dick will be contacted to see if he would like to participate on this committee. Website is via WordPress.
Finance: Bill Jones will continue to lead the committee with Glenn Zobel helping. Teresa asked if we could have an annual financial meeting to be more transparent. Chiles suggested the board look at the NEBS website as an example and discuss at next board meeting.
Bylaws: It is difficult to file updated documents in Pennsylvania currently. The board agreed to hold off on determining who will lead this committee.
Strategic Planning: George DeMartz will lead this committee and Greg Boggs will help. Strategic planning will represent a roadmap for MABA.
Nominations: Chris Schriver and Teresa Bell will co-lead this committee.
New Contests/Judging: This committee was proposed to help new contests and judging classes get started. AJ was proposed to lead the committee and Andrew Schafer and David Dick were proposed to help. This committee can feed into the Strategic Planning committee.
The Board discussed the Annual Meeting and Banquet. Lisa Dommes will follow up with the hotel re: the block of rooms. The insurance has been obtained. George DeMartz will sign the contract. Discussion was had re: receipt of payments from sponsors. The board agreed beer/wine/liquor will be served. A shuttle bus will be provided to transport attendees to/from their hotels at a cost of $500 which will be available 2 hours before and after the event. Chris Schriver is working on the trophies which will cost $3000 for all awards. The winners for 1-3 places should be notified due to the Char Griller prizes. Dave Travis has contacted Gunther Wilheim. Smithfield will pick up the first round and will provide goodie bags. A smoker from Lancaster will be provided for the public raffle. Lisa Dommes will remain on the debit card until after the banquet. George DeMartz proposed that a document is created authorizing Lisa Dommes to continue to use the debit card and the board agreed. Teresa Bell will follow up with John about the menu.
Other Business:
Lisa Dommes will file the board of directors in Pennsylvania.
The Board discussed the 2022 State Cups. Further discussion was tabled until after the banquet.
Turkey Smoke: Chris Schriver has talked to the Turkey Smoke reps and they are agreeable to working with MABA. Sponsorship will be needed. MABA would adopt KCBS’s rules and would create a Turkey Smoke chase.
New Business
The board discussed whether applications for Backyard, Steak, etc. teams should be removed from the website. It was proposed a list be provided to the members and if their name is not associated correctly, they should update their profile accordingly. It was agreed to table this proposal for a year and to keep the applications on the website. Chris Schriver will send a note to MABA.
The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary
Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes President
George DeMartz Vice President
Theresa Bell Secretary
Bill Jones Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Call to Order/Reading of Mission Statement
Lisa Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chiles Cridlin read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Chris Schriver moved to approve the minutes of the November 3, 2021 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. George DeMartz seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Committee Reports
Membership: Greg Boggs provided the membership report.
Publications: Chris Schriver provided an update on the Publications Committee activities.
Finance: Bill Jones presented projected financial statistics for the year to date and the current month.
Nominations: The election will open up at midnight. The ballots have been set up in Election Buddy and are set to send automatically.
Unfinished Business
The Board discussed the Annual Meeting and Banquet. The hotel in Frederick, MD has stopped responding to our emails and phone calls. We can go with the Frederick fire house if they are still available or explore other venues. The casinos in Pennsylvania and Maryland have either not responded or cannot accommodate a group of our size. The Board members will research venue options.
Invoices will be finalized and sent to the ToY sponsors.
New Business
The Board discussed excluding the KCBS World Open and the American Royal Open from the contest count for Tier 2 Master Series teams. The Invitational contests are already excluded under the ToY Rules, and the Board would like to encourage attendance at these prestigious events for Tier 2 teams that qualify. Since long-distance travel is involved, it makes sense to allow Tier 2 teams to experience both the Open and Invitational contests without penalty toward their Tier 2 standing. Lisa Dommes moved to update the Tier 2 Master Series ToY Rules to exclude the American Royal Open and the KCBS World Open from the total contest count for Tier 2 teams. Chiles Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Updated language will be posted to the website and an announcement will be made to the members through email and social media.
The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board President