Board Members Present
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd” Sydnor
Dave Travis

Board Members Absent
Travis Murphy

Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 1:18 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.

Thanks to outgoing board members and welcome to new board members.

2021 Notable Accomplishments
• Backyard and Steak ToY Programs
• Sponsorship development
• Increased business member focus
• Increased social media development
• Electronic BBQ news
• Expanding MABA newsletter

Rules Update

MABA Financials

MABA member notable accomplishments

Remembrance of friends we lost this past year

What is MABA to you?
George shared his thoughts on what MABA means to him

How can you help MABA?

The meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary