Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes, President (Outgoing)
George DeMartz, Vice President
Theresa Bell, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Chiles Cridlin (Outgoing)
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Shannon Turner
Travis Murphy
Dave Travis
Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila (Outgoing)
Call to Order
Lisa Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chris Schriver read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
George DeMartz moved to approve the minutes of the November 30, 2021 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Election of Board Members
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Thank you to the outgoing members: Lisa, Chiles, Ercole
Committee Reports
Backyard ToY: Travis will continue to work on Backyard ToY along with David Dick
Membership: Greg Boggs will continue to lead the committee and provided the membership report.
Publications: Chris Schriver will co-lead this committee with Dave Travis. Chris provided an update on the Publications Committee activities.
Website/Tech: Chris Schriver will lead this committee with help from Syd and Dave Travis. David Dick will be contacted to see if he would like to participate on this committee. Website is via WordPress.
Finance: Bill Jones will continue to lead the committee with Glenn Zobel helping. Teresa asked if we could have an annual financial meeting to be more transparent. Chiles suggested the board look at the NEBS website as an example and discuss at next board meeting.
Bylaws: It is difficult to file updated documents in Pennsylvania currently. The board agreed to hold off on determining who will lead this committee.
Strategic Planning: George DeMartz will lead this committee and Greg Boggs will help. Strategic planning will represent a roadmap for MABA.
Nominations: Chris Schriver and Teresa Bell will co-lead this committee.
New Contests/Judging: This committee was proposed to help new contests and judging classes get started. AJ was proposed to lead the committee and Andrew Schafer and David Dick were proposed to help. This committee can feed into the Strategic Planning committee.
The Board discussed the Annual Meeting and Banquet. Lisa Dommes will follow up with the hotel re: the block of rooms. The insurance has been obtained. George DeMartz will sign the contract. Discussion was had re: receipt of payments from sponsors. The board agreed beer/wine/liquor will be served. A shuttle bus will be provided to transport attendees to/from their hotels at a cost of $500 which will be available 2 hours before and after the event. Chris Schriver is working on the trophies which will cost $3000 for all awards. The winners for 1-3 places should be notified due to the Char Griller prizes. Dave Travis has contacted Gunther Wilheim. Smithfield will pick up the first round and will provide goodie bags. A smoker from Lancaster will be provided for the public raffle. Lisa Dommes will remain on the debit card until after the banquet. George DeMartz proposed that a document is created authorizing Lisa Dommes to continue to use the debit card and the board agreed. Teresa Bell will follow up with John about the menu.
Other Business:
Lisa Dommes will file the board of directors in Pennsylvania.
The Board discussed the 2022 State Cups. Further discussion was tabled until after the banquet.
Turkey Smoke: Chris Schriver has talked to the Turkey Smoke reps and they are agreeable to working with MABA. Sponsorship will be needed. MABA would adopt KCBS’s rules and would create a Turkey Smoke chase.
New Business
The board discussed whether applications for Backyard, Steak, etc. teams should be removed from the website. It was proposed a list be provided to the members and if their name is not associated correctly, they should update their profile accordingly. It was agreed to table this proposal for a year and to keep the applications on the website. Chris Schriver will send a note to MABA.
The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary