Board Members Present

George DeMartz                     President

Greg Boggs                             Vice President

Shannon Turner                       Secretary

Theresa Bell

Travis Murphy

Norris “Syd” Sydnor

Chris Schriver

Lisa Dommes                          Past President

Board Members Absent

Bill Jones                                Treasurer

Dave Travis

Call to Order

George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Reading of Mission Statement

The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ competitors, backyard cooks, BBQ judges and others united by love of America’s cuisine–BBQ! 

MABA provides information to its members about BBQ and the BBQ industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.

George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.

Approval of Minutes

George DeMartz moved to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2022 Annual Meeting. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Unfinished Business

  1. Financial Review
  2. Need (1) Knife for the New York State Cup
  3. Banquet Committee:
    1. Committee met 3-4 weeks ago
    1. Venue discussion:  Manassas Moose Lodge; The Maine; Casino; want to make a decision before October meeting; Greg will add a group post on FB with Moose Lodge details once he has them; Mac has offered to cater the Maine; will we use Two Drummers or Mac?; Mac is not on approved caterer list for the Maine so need to determine if he is interested
    1. Need to do a “lessons learned”
    1. Planning needs to start now.
    1. Need to Vote/Discuss/Book a venue
  4. 2022 Sponsorship outreach
    1. Steak
    1. Smithfield – confirmed
    1. Oklahoma Joes
    1. Shore Smoke – Greg to talk to him for 2023
    1. B&B – 1,000 Commitment to our ToY programs – confirmed
    1. The Butcher Shoppe
    1. Big Jim Hudgins (SCA) – wants to donate for Steak ToY
    1. Mac Talbert – Wants to donate $5K – Greg/George to talk to Mac
    1. GrillBillies BBQ sponsorship discussion – George to talk to Joe for 2023
  5. MABA Cup Rules Revision (date for teams to declare they are attending)

New Business

  1. Business member review / update on how we can steer members toward them; Chris would like to add a list of business members to website
  2. BOD member BIOS
  3. Clarification of Membership benefits
  4. Discussion on Call for Candidates. – 3rd week of October; start adding social media posts indicating the call for candidates is coming; Expiring roles = 5 (George, Syd, Bill, Chris, Greg)
  5. Dues Discussion – 2023:  Determine levels of membership and assign dues amount for each level
  6. How to involve judges more:  Judge ToY; competition between MABA judges based on number of contests judged
  7. Bonfire Tshirt site:  Greg demonstrated Bonfire site for sales; will need a PayPal account set up to use: George DeMartz motioned to approve Bonfire; Shannon Turner seconded motion; carried unanimously; password will be agreed, and PayPal created; soft launch of Bonfire before end of year and then roll it out at banquet

Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion

  1. Membership Committee – Greg
    1. Backyard Subcommittee, new BY applications coming in for 2022
    1. Steak Subcommittee
  2. Publications Committee – Chris; FB page, since Jan 2021 up 118% in likes and up 125% for followers; group page is up 142% in same period; backyard is up 193%; IG is up 157% in the same period; haven’t had a month yet where we have had a decline in likes/followers since tracking started; should we transform all ‘newsletter’ content to social media posts? 
  3. Website/Technology Committee –
  4. Need to create a Backyard ToY standings page, old site is down; Correction dated Oct. 24 that the Backyard ToY webpage is up and is current
  5. Finance Committee – Bill
  6. Bylaws Committee – Greg
  7. Strategic Planning – Greg w/assistance from George (current Bylaws dictate this)
  8. Nominations Committee – Chris/Theresa


The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Motion to adjourn:  George DeMartz; Second: Greg; motion passed unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Shannon Turner, MABA Board Secretary