Board Members Present

Travis Murphy President
Vacant Vice President
Bill Jones Treasurer
Shannon Turner Secretary
David Dick
Theresa Bell

Board Members Absent

George DeMartz
Andrew Shaffer
Dave Travis
Frank Krause
Lisa Dommes Past President

IX. Confirmation of Quorum, Call to Order – 7:10pm

X. Reading of Mission Statement
A. The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ competitors, backyard cooks, BBQ judges and others united by love of America’s cuisine-BBQ! MABA provides information to its members about BBQ and the BBQ industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.

XI. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes (April 5, 2023)

Motion raised by David Dick, seconded by Frank Krause

XII. Unfinished Business

A. Budget Discussion: Financial update was provided Mon., May 1 by Bill Jones

B. Order business cards (Vistaprint), stickers (Sticker Mule) or fliers to hand out at contests/cook’s meetings, introducing MABA programs: Will watch for specials for stickers so we can purchase by 2024 banquet. Looking to purchase ‘350’ 3″x3″ stickers for backyard. KCBS will continue to provide the ‘180’ and ‘700’ stickers. David Dick created flyers so don’t see need to purchase business cards at this time. ACTION: Flyer file is on BOD page so flyers can be printed by any BOD members as needed.

C. Order any flags, banners, etc. to be used by Board at contests to publicize MABA. Can we get flags available for members via
bonfire? ACTION: David Dick will check Bonfire to see if they offer flags and if not, will explore other options. One-sided flags.

D. Backyard 350 Sticker- KCBS doesn’t want to pursue
a) MABA Specific 700+, 180 and 350+ stickers?
b) Have we decided how to distribute these?
c) Have they been ordered through sticker mule

E. 2023 Budget Finalization

XIII. New Business

A. Vote for election of President: Frank Krause nominated Travis Murphy; Theresa Bell seconded; all agreed. Travis Murphy will serve the remainder of George’s term.

B. Election for new V.P. or office if needed: Frank Krause nominated himself; seconded by Bill Jones; David Dick nominated himself; Frank Krause seconded; Shannon Turner nominated herself; Theresa Bell seconded; Vote by email by ranking; ACTION: Bill Jones and Travis Murphy will send email out and tabulate results.

XIV. Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion
A. Membership Committee – Live Meeting Agenda: Will meet in May

  1. How are we looking with new members -241 current, up from 220(up 9.5%)
  2. Are we retaining previous members? For those that have not renewed each month, each BOD member can share names and contact them directly to ask if they will renew and if not, why.
  3. Upcoming socials or events? Two social events were held at the Williamsburg contest; judges are attending providing opportunities for judges to socialize with teams.
    B. Publications Committee – Travis Murphy: Update was sent on Monday, May 1.
  4. Data is trending
  5. A lot of content being pushed – all shout outs have been made with the exception of the past weekend which will be done soon.
  6. 1st Quarter Newsletter was sent out
    C. Website/Technology Committee – David Dick
  7. Need to verify events calendar: ACTION: update events
  8. Need to get Master and Steak TOY standings finalized, updated, and published: Master standings have been updated; the Ironman and Currituck is missing but will be added on soon
  9. Need to get the RTOY updated with standings
  10. Will need to update the MABA Team page: David Dick does not have edit privileges on the website; ACTION: Travis Murphy will meet with David Dick and Lisa Dommes to update privileges
    D. Finance Committee – Bill
  11. Are we on track and where we need to be? We are on positive for income – a bit higher than last year; expenses are about the same as last year
  12. Need to look into BBQ News e-letter to see if we in fact need it and if so, if we can run ads or articles for MABA: Should we provide an article or something to get exposure for MABA; Bill Jones sent email on Monday, May 1 and is waiting for a response.
    E. Bylaws/Rules Committee – Frank Krause
  13. Need to begin working on a standard/rubrick for selecting State Cups: ACTION: Need to come up with criteria for selection for a State Cup
  14. Need to decide if we still want a minimum state representation from states going forward, or include all states, regardless of number of teams.
    a) ACTION: Look into wording and rules regarding this for MABA State Cups; would not be appropriate to include in bylaws but could be added as a rule. Should also consider that the current rule already stipulates that we have options in selecting the states for the MABA Cup. If we change the rules, may consider including all states.

F. Strategic Planning – Travis Murphy

  1. Working with other committees for the strategic plan
  2. Percentage of addition of members is on track
    G. Banquet Committee – Lisa Dommes: Will discuss in June
  3. Have a list of possible locations
    a) Need to begin inquiring about pricing and what’s included
    b) Two locations suggested in Maryland as well as N.
    c) Heat map can be created by Frank Krause to show where all members live to justify location of banquet
    d) We should rotate locations of the banquet
    H. Sponsorship Committee – Travis Murphy
  4. Still need to touch base with B&B
  5. Still need to touch base with The Butcher Shoppe
  6. Springer Mountain is going through a major rebrand so can not commit to being the chicken sponsor this year, but said its a strong possibility next year after the relaunch
    I. Nominations Committee – TBD

    XV. Any other Business to discuss

    XVI. Adjournment – 8:13pm