Board Members Present
George DeMartz, President
Greg Boggs, Vice President
Shannon Turner, Secretary
Bill Jones, Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd” Sydnor
Dave Travis

Board Members Absent
Travis Murphy

Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chris Schriver read the Mission Statement.

Approval of Minutes
Chris Schriver moved to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2022 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

State Cups
It needs to be determined who is ordering the State Cup trophies.

General Business
MABA Merchandise/Branding
Business cards with QR codes and stickers should be ordered to hand out at contests to advertise MABA. Discussions were had on this topic last year. There is interest in ordering MABA flags and vinyl logo stickers for purchase by MABA members. Can a place be set up online for members to buy MABA merchandise? Greg Boggs volunteered to pick this up.

Mission Statement Update
The mission statement should be updated to include Steak and Backyard. This will be discussed at a future BoD meeting.

Banquet Committee
There is interest to create a banquet committee who will work on the banquet throughout the year. George DeMartz has a proposal which will be distributed to the board members.

In the 2022 banquet slide presentation, recognition of business members was not included. Chris Schriver suggested adding a slide placeholder for recognition of business members as well as judges.

It is recommended that the price per guest for the banquet is raised.

It was suggested that ‘Judge of the Year’ is added as part of the banquet. A small gift bag or gas card could be provided to the recipient or winner of judge raffle.

George DeMartz pulled a list of members with upcoming renewals and the type of category they are participating in currently. Using the amount of money expected from renewals, this was compared to the 2021 expenses to estimate the budget numbers. Bill Jones reminded the board that we were viewing 2021 expenses, not 2022 expenses in the comparison. Based on the results, the board discussed whether the MABA annual dues are high enough. It needs to be determined what the cost is to run MABA in a non-Covid environment. An action for the board is to review the spreadsheet George DeMartz created and bring comments to the next board meeting.

Regarding finalization of the 2022 budget, can we decide on the final budget. Bill Jones indicated we are on rendition #6 and based on the numbers we have seen and what we have coming in, MABA will have a loss of $2300. There is money in the savings account to cover the deficit. George DeMartz recommended that we plan for an annual membership dues increase for 2023. If rates are raised, the board will need to show the benefit to the members to account for this increase.

Sponsorship Outreach
Chiles Cridlin is reaching out to Oklahoma Joe’s and Smithfield
Chris Schriver is reaching out to Chargriller.
B&B and The Butcher Shoppe should be contacted.
George DeMartz spoke to Mac Talbert who wants to put $5000 sponsorship money into MABA. Is there something that can be done for sponsors? Mac Talbert would like to promote large trophies for all places/categories for the banquet.
Big Jim wants to provide sponsorship (steak rubs).

Committee Reports
Committee updates will be the focus of the next board meeting.
• Backyard ToY: Chiles Cridlen has offered to reach out to KCBS to utilize the data they already track for Backyard ToY. Chiles Cridlen will put KCBS and Mark Kenny in touch.
• Steak Toy

Publications: No update

Website/Tech: Chris Schriver continues to publicize MABA activities/announcements via the website.

Finance: Please see Finance/Membership section.

Bylaws: No update provided.

Strategic Planning: No update provided.

Nominations: No update provided.

Contests: No update provided.

Other Business:
The Board discussed the MABA Cup Rules revision. No update on Backyard rules revision (how to calculate points with example). The board does not think changes for the Steak rules is required at this time.

Hank paid his annual MABA dues in cash at the banquet. George DeMartz will extend his membership in Membership Works.

Michael Fay
Should MABA memorialize Michael with a BBQ ambassador award, name a State Cup program after him, or something else? Thoughts and stories can be added on Facebook via the newsletter. George DeMartz motioned to spend $100 on flowers for the funeral or a donation. Shannon Turner seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Bill Jones will write a check for the flowers.

The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary