Board Members Present

George DeMartz                     President

Greg Boggs                             Vice President

Shannon Turner                       Secretary

Bill Jones                                Treasurer

Theresa Bell

Dave Travis

Norris “Syd” Sydnor

Chris Schriver

Lisa Dommes                          Past President

Board Members Absent

Travis Murphy

Call to Order

George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Reading of Mission Statement

The Mid-Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is a social organization representing BBQ competitors, backyard cooks, BBQ judges and others united by love of America’s cuisine–BBQ! 

MABA provides information to its members about BBQ and the BBQ industry, facilitates social events and contests and serves as the vehicle for camaraderie amongst BBQ enthusiasts in the Mid-Atlantic region.

George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.

Approval of Minutes

George DeMartz moved to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2022 Annual Meeting. Shannon Turner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Unfinished Business

  1. Start Committee meetings
  2. Budget approval
  3. Verify State Cups Ordered.  Previously from Crown Awards. 2021 from K2 Awards:  State cups are complete; Gunther will engrave another knife – George DeMartz to send reminder email
  4. Order business cards (Vistaprint), stickers (Sticker Mule) or fliers to hand out at contests/cook’s meetings, introducing MABA programs
  5. Order any flags, banners, etc. to be used by Board at contests to publicize MABA.
  6. Banquet Committee:
    1. Need to meet as a committee – Greg, Syd, George, Theresa; George DeMartz will set up monthly meeting
    1. Need to do a “lessons learned”
    1. Planning needs to start now
    1. Need to explore event sites:  Feedback has been received that the Main last year was good; should explore a few other sites
    1. Steel Images has cancelled on two events recently; need to investigate other vendors for trophies; Wise VA trophies mimicked the Steel Image trophies; Bill Jones to find out who supplied trophies to Almost Heaven contest to Chris Schriver and George DeMartz.
  7. 2022 Budget Finalization
    1. Summary will be reviewed
  8. 2022 Sponsorship outreach
    1. Steak:  Presentation deck is not ready yet; Travis will work through slides and update them; Greg will talk to a steak sponsor in Delaware – donation this year and full sponsor next year?
    1. Smithfield: $2500 for both backyard and pro ToY programs
    1. Oklahoma Joes
    1. B&B – $1,000 Commitment to our ToY programs
    1. The Butcher Shoppe
    1. Big Jim Hudgins 
    1. Mac Talbert – Approached George DeMartz in Wise, VA and wants to donate $5,000 to MABA for larger trophies for 6-10th place for each category; can we space the donation out over several years? Greg, George and Chris to meet with Mac to discuss further.  George DeMartz will set up call.
    1. GrillBillies BBQ sponsorship discussion: Contact Joe to find out if he would sponsor the ToY backyard awards; George DeMartz will reach out to Joe. Recommend asking Joe to provide gift certificates.
    1. Gunther Wilheim: on board for sponsorship for banquet
  9. MABA Cup Rules Revision (date for teams to declare they are attending)

New Business

  1. I’d like to bring David Dick into our Social Media scene:  Would like more call-outs for sponsors, contests on social media; Would like David to build posts and run them through Dave/Chris for review
  2. Review ToY teams/stats and post up mid-year posts: Chris Schriver can create posts
  3. Business member review / update on how we can steer members toward them: Chris Schriver wants to give business members shout-outs online providing links to their sites, etc.
  4. BOD member BIOS: If anyone wants to add to their bio, contact Chris Schriver
  5. Clarification of Membership benefits: Clearly show the benefits of membership on the website
  6. Dues Discussion – 2023: Need to discuss increasing dues
  7. Awards from Banquet that need to be distributed; it was agreed to mail awards to recipients
  8. Online raffle going well
  9. Greg Boggs showed the Bonfire tshirt site as an easy way to set up sales online; only way for payment to be provided back to MABA is via PayPal – any issue with this?  Lisa will send the MABA logo to Greg and Greg will set up and send the link to the board or share via next board meeting.  Create a shirt for 9:22 shot? 
  10. Syd raised the need to attract more judges to MABA; create a judges award at banquet? 

Committee Reports and Action Item Discussion

  1. Membership Committee – Greg: First drop in members was observed this month
    1. Backyard Subcommittee, new BY applications coming in for 2022
    1. Steak Subcommittee
  2. Publications Committee – Chris
  3. Website/Technology Committee –
    1. Need to create a Backyard ToY standings page, old site is down; Standings have been updated using David Dick’s spreadsheet
  4. Finance Committee – Bill
  5. Bylaws Committee – Greg
  6. Strategic Planning – Greg w/assistance from George (current Bylaws dictate this)
  7. Nominations Committee – Call for nominations should occur in early November


The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

Motion to adjourn:  George DeMartz; Second: Syd; motion passed unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Shannon Turner, MABA Board Secretary