Board Members Present
George DeMartz President
Greg Boggs Vice President
Shannon Turner Secretary
Bill Jones Treasurer
Theresa Bell
Norris “Syd†Sydnor
Travis Murphy
Board Members Absent
Dave Travis
Chris Schriver
Call to Order
George DeMartz called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. George DeMartz read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Minutes
Theresa Bell moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2022 Annual Meeting. Norris ‘Syd’ Sydnor seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Shannon Turner moved to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2022 Board Meeting. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
General Business
2022 Budget Approval
Bill Jones reviewed the budget proposal for 2022; Greg Boggs suggested we get more sponsors for Steak; how do we manage sponsors? Process varies – some are very detailed agreements; others are less formal; can be checks/prizes/wire transfer; potential sponsors can purchase a business membership and then donate money to MABA, designated for a certain part of the organization; can also invoice them (not called a donation – being billed for materials/products); George DeMartz motioneed to accept and adopt 2022 budget and revisit in 3 months to make any updates. This was seconded by Greg Boggs and passed unanimously.
State Cups
State Cups have been ordered. Action is complete.
MABA Merchandise/Branding
Business cards with QR codes and stickers should be ordered to hand out at contests to advertise MABA. George DeMartz will follow up with Chris Schriver to determine what we have already. George DeMartz has 3-4 flags that he can distribute.
Banquet Committee
No activity to date; George DeMartz will spearhead committee; Theresa Bell/Norris ‘Syd’ Sydnor/Greg Boggs will help.
Sponsorship Outreach
Steak – Greg Boggs is exploring options; Big Jim’s Sauces & Rubs
Smithfield – Assuming they are continuing with sponsorship
Oklahoma Joe’s – George DeMartz is reaching out
Chris Schriver is reaching out to Chargrillers.
B&B – 1,000 commitment to ToY program; assuming they are continuing
The Butcher Shoppe should be contacted.
Lancaster has offered to provide a pizza cooker at cost ($600) so MABA can do a mid-year raffle as a fundraiser.
Mac Talbert would like to promote large trophies for all places/categories for the banquet.
Note: For any large donations, need to ensure the size of donation won’t introduce influence over the organization. MABA may consider taking a large donation and spreading it over a few years.
MABA Cup Rules revision
This was publicized and is complete for now.
New Programs
To date, nothing new is planned for 2022.
Backyard ToY
A team has completed a form to compete as a Backyard ToY team but has declared that they will compete in some Pro contests (referring to KCBS rules). The MABA board believes the intent of the MABA organization is to compete in Pro or Backyard, not both. The MABA rules do not specify but the consensus of the MABA board is that a team should choose one. George DeMartz will contact the team to discuss further.
Committee Reports
Committee updates will be the focus of the next board meeting.
- Backyard ToY: New Backyard applications are being submitted for 2022.
- Steak ToY: In West Virginia, at a recent contest, individuals signed up as a steak member on the MABA website. The default is a business membership. George DeMartz and Lisa Dommes will work together to credit the amount back to the affected individual. Changing the default in Membership Works will be investigated but it is acknowledged to be difficult to change. George DeMartz will try to add Greg Boggs back to the emails showing new steak members.
Publications: No update provided.
Website/Tech: No update provided.
Finance: Please see Finance/Membership section.
Bylaws: No update provided.
Strategic Planning: No update provided.
Nominations: No update provided.
Contests: No update provided.
The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Turner, Board Secretary