Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes President
Theresa Bell Secretary
Bill Jones Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd” Sydnor

Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila
George DeMartz Vice President

Call to Order
Lisa Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chiles Cridlin read the Mission Statement.

Approval of Minutes
Theresa Bell moved to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 Board of Directors meetings as submitted. Greg Boggs seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Committee Reports
Membership: Greg Boggs provided the membership report. We are nearing the limit on the Membershipworks account. It was agreed to delete the oldest accounts rather than paying for expanded limits. Memberships expiring prior to 2017 will be deleted to start. Additional years will be deleted as needed.

Publications: Chris Schriver provided an update on the Publications Committee activities. The BAMA and MABA Backyard teams have a friendly rivalry that will be featured on social media. To date, 15 of our Backyard teams will be attending the Invitational, along with a number of Master Series teams. We will run social media posts around the event. Social media numbers continue to climb.

Finance: Bill Jones presented projected financial statistics for the year to date and the current month.

Unfinished Business
The Board discussed changing the barbecue competition season to align with the KCBS season. The membership responded 2 to 1 in favor of this change in the recent survey. Chiles Cridlin moved to change the MABA Master Series and Backyard Barbecue competition season to November 1 through October 31, to align with the KCBS competition season. For this year only, the November and December competitions will count for both the 2020-2021 Super Season and also the 2022 season. Syd Sydnor seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The North Carolina State Cup in Currituck in November will only apply to the Super Season MABA Cup competition. This information will be published to the membership through email and social media as soon as possible so teams can plan their schedules accordingly.

The Board discussed the Annual Meeting and Banquet. The venue has been narrowed down to two options. Lisa Dommes will contact the preferred venue and ask them to submit a revised proposal at a lower price.

New Business
The Board discussed the MABA Cup and the process by which State Cup winners are notified of their eligibility and the timeline.

The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board President