Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes President
George DeMartz Vice President
Bill Jones Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Ercole Chila
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd” Sydnor

Board Members Absent
Theresa Bell Secretary
Chiles Cridlin

Call to Order
Ms. Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. It was noted that the Board did not meet in April 2021.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Schriver moved to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2021 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Mr. DeMartz seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Committee Reports
Membership: Greg Boggs provided the membership report. The Backyard and Steak segments continue to grow.

Publications: Chris Schriver provided statistics on social media reach. The next newsletter will go out soon and will include sponsor information on B&B Charcoal and Gunter Wilhelm.

Finance: Bill Jones presented projected financial statistics for the year. He reported that funds have been moved from the checking account to savings to take advantage of better interest rates.

Unfinished Business
None discussed.

New Business
Ms. Dommes will look into options for the current PO Box being used for Association business. PO Boxes are increasingly deemed unacceptable to banks and other institutions. The current PO Box renews in June.

The Board discussed the 2022 Annual Meeting and Banquet. It was agreed to hold the event in Charles Town, WV again at the casino. After that, they Board may consider moving the event to different geographical areas.

The Board will investigate options for spiritwear vendors.

The Board discussed incentives for organizers to join MABA.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board President