Board Members Present
Lisa Dommes President
George DeMartz Vice President
Theresa Bell Secretary
Willie Lee “Bill” Jones, III Treasurer
Greg Boggs
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Norris “Syd” Sydnor

Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila

Call to Order
Lisa Dommes called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Chiles Cridlin read the Mission Statement.

Appointment to fill Vacant Board Seat
Lisa Dommes reported that Brant Williams has resigned his position on the Board, effective immediately, due to personal commitments. The Board unanimously agreed to appoint Theresa Bell to fill the remaining one year of Brant Williams’ term since she received the next highest number of votes in the recent Board elections.

Election of Officers
The Board discussed the Board Officer positions needing to be filled.

Bill Jones moved to appoint Lisa Dommes as President for the upcoming year. Chiles Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Chiles Cridlin moved to appoint George DeMartz as Vice President for the upcoming year. Theresa Bell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Syd Sydnor moved to appoint Theresa Bell as Secretary for the upcoming year. Chiles Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Chiles Cridlin moved to appoint Bill Jones as Treasurer for the upcoming year. George DeMartz seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Appointment of Committee Chairs
The Board unanimously agreed to appoint the following Committee Chairs:
Membership – Greg Boggs
Strategic Planning – George DeMartz
Publications – Chris Schriver
Website/Technology – Syd Sydnor
Nominations – Chris Schriver
Bylaws – John Brown

Unfinished Business
• Membership fees are non-refundable, Membership Committee to add wording to application
• Annual Meeting-virtual
• Super Season
• MABA State Cups
• BBQ Data and ToY Points

New Business
• Social media posts asking for volunteers
• BBQ News subscription
• Revisit Sanctioning Committee
• Align MABA ToY Year with KCBS ToY Year

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Next meeting is a transition meeting with the prior Board members on January 12.

Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Bell, Board Secretary