Board Members Present
Amy Overbey President
Mark Kenney Vice President
Lisa Dommes Secretary
Ercole Chila
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Brant Williams
Board Members Absent
Meg Ferguson Treasurer
Bob Trudnak
Others Present
Luke Darnell
Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Mr. Kenney moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2020 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Mr. Chila seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
President’s Report
No report.
Old Business
Mr. Schriver was asked about the status of the Membership Survey. He stated that he still needs the Survey Monkey login from Ms. Ferguson.
Committee Reports
Membership Committee: Mr. Cridlin provided a summary of the membership statistics to date for the current year. He also provided a summary of the Backyard Subcommittee meeting and the activities of that committee. Potential goals include a MABA sanctioned Backyard ToY competition, a Backyard state cup series and integration of the Mid Atlantic Backyard Barbecue group with MABA. The Membership Committee will work on a virtual Annual Meeting and other activities to keep the membership engaged. Ms. Overbey will send last year’s agenda and any other planning materials to Mr. Schriver to begin planning an agenda.
Publications Committee: Ms. Dommes reported that she worked with Janet from National Barbecue News to update the membership database and member contact information. Minutes are being posted to the website after approval at the following Board meeting. Post-contest “Shout Outs†to the MABA members receiving calls are being posted to Facebook and Instagram. George DeMartz and Chris Schriver submitted a contest review of the first-year Connelly Springs competition. Ms. Dommes reported that Steve Dotson has volunteered to join the committee and will submit a report from Zom-B-Q and the KCBS Invitational for the social media channels. The Board approved his appointment to the committee.
Website Committee: Mr. Kenney reported that WordPress has updated and the plugins will now automatically update.
Finance Committee: No report.
Bylaws Committee: No report.
Nominations Committee: The terms of Amy Overbey, Mark Kenney, Megan Ferguson, Bob Trudnak and Chris Schriver are expiring. The elections process and timeline were discussed. Ms. Dommes will serve as Nominations Committee Chair and send out the Call for Candidates and set up the ballot on Election Buddy.
New Business
Board Transition: The Board discussed the upcoming turnover of Board members. Due to the large number of Board seats turning over, Ms. Overbey asked the Board members to come to the next meeting prepared to turn over necessary information and document as much as possible for the incoming Board members to facilitate the transition.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for November 10.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary