Board Members Present
Amy Overbey President
Mark Kenney Vice President
Lisa Dommes Secretary
Meg Ferguson Treasurer
Ercole Chila
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Bob Trudnak
Brant Williams
Others Present
Luke Darnell
Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum. Mr. Cridlin read the Mission Statement.
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Ms. Overbey moved to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2020 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Mr. Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
President’s Report
Ms. Overbey inquired about the status of the possible virtual Annual Meeting. Mr. Schriver reported that it is under discussion, and if held, would take place in late February. Ms. Dommes noted that there may not be enough content to justify a meeting, as discussed at the last meeting.
Committee Reports
Membership Committee: Mr. Cridlin provided a summary of the membership statistics to date for the current year. He also reported that the Turkey Smoke/Serve Turkey representatives were pleased with the participation in the Thanksgiving virtual competition and they hope to do more events in the future.
Publications Committee: Ms. Dommes reported that she worked with Janet from National Barbecue News to update the membership database and member contact information. Minutes are being posted to the website after approval at the following Board meeting. Steve Dotson filed a video report from the KCBS Invitational that was well received on Facebook.
Website Committee: Mr. Kenney reported that he will no longer be administering the hosting of the MABA website after he leaves the Board. He will turn over the website content to the new Board. Mr. Cridlin will discuss the transition with Mr. Kenney offline.
Finance Committee: Access to the bank accounts, credit card accounts and all financial information will need to be turned over to the new President and Treasurer. Ms. Ferguson was asked to provide year-end financial statements.
Bylaws Committee: No report.
Nominations Committee: Ms. Dommes reported that social media and email reminders have been sent about the ongoing election. A final reminder is set to be sent directly from Election Buddy on Saturday morning with a link to the ballot. That should generate a final voting surge.
New Business
Administrative Calendar: Ms. Overbey reviewed her additions to the Board Administrative Calendar.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary