Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 14, 2020

Board Members Present
Amy Overbey President
Mark Kenney Vice President
Lisa Dommes Secretary
Meg Ferguson Treasurer
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Brant Williams

Board Members Absent
Ercole Chila
Bob Trudnak

Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Ms. Overbey moved to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2020 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Mr. Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

President’s Report
Ms. Overbey stated that she would like the Board to generate ideas for engagement with the membership through increased communication, social media posts, and possibly some giveaways on the Facebook page.

Membership Survey
Mr. Schriver has submitted a draft membership survey. The Board members were asked to review it and provide any input.

*Mr. Williams arrived at 7:15.

State Cups/Team of the Year
The Board discussed how to address State Cups and the ToY points chases.

Mr. Cridlin moved to create a 2020/2021 Super Season for the ToY and RToY points chases, combining points from both years to establish the ToY/RToY winner at the end of 2021. Tier 2 teams can compete in 7 or fewer contests each calendar year of the Super Season, not to exceed 14 contests during the Super Season. RToY eligible teams may compete in any number of contests during the 2020/2021 Super Season and retain eligibility. The 2019 State Cup Final will be re-evaluated in 2021 once more is known about the season’s status. There will be no State Cups for 2020. Resumption of the State Cups will be re-evaluated in 2021. Mr. Kenney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Ms. Overbey will write an announcement to the membership with all of the details of the Super Season and send ideas to Mr. Williams for the creation of a Super Season logo.

Committee Reports
Membership Committee: Mr. Cridlin provided a comparative review of the membership rolls from 2019 to 2020. The Board discussed the creation of a Team membership option. The committee will discuss the feasibility of creating that membership class and the proposed fee schedule.

Mr. Cridlin moved to appoint the following to the 2020 Membership Committee: Chiles Cridlin (Chair), Chris Schriver, and Lisa Dommes. Mr. Kenney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Mr. Cridlin moved to appoint the following to the Backyard Subcommittee: Chiles Cridlin (Chair), Chris Schriver, Lisa Dommes, Steve Dotson, and Travis Murphy. Ms. Overbey seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Mr. Cridlin requested direction for the Backyard Subcommittee’s focus. Ms. Overbey asked the committee to determine how many in the Backyard Facebook group are MABA members, and determine what expectations the MABA Backyard members have in terms of their MABA membership benefits.

Website Committee: The Resources page on the website needs to be updated.

*Mr. Schriver arrived at 8:09.

Publications Committee: Ms. Dommes reported that she worked with Janet from National Barbecue News to update the membership database and member contact information. Minutes are being posted to the website after approval at the following Board meeting. She reported on the engagement statistics for the newsletter that was recently emailed to the membership. Post-contest “Shout Outs” to the MABA members receiving calls are being posted to Facebook and Instagram, and they continue to be popular social media posts. Mr. Cridlin wrote a post-contest summary of the York County BBQ Festival that was also popular with the membership.

The recent call to the membership for volunteers did not receive any responses. Ms. Overbey will approach Norris Sydnor, The Griller B’s, and Ron Calloway about volunteering in an ongoing way or on occasion as they have expressed an interest in the past. Mr. Cridlin will approach George DeMartz as well. Ms. Overbey suggested identifying members who would be willing to do a write-up on a given topic to be sent to the membership via email or post to the Facebook page.

Finance Committee: Ms. Ferguson reported that there has been little activity. Her report was emailed to the Board members.

Bylaws Committee: No report.

Membership Guidelines
The Board discussed age requirements for MABA membership. Ms. Overbey will look into guidelines from the Girl Scouts about membership, required paperwork, parental approval verbiage, and any issues with cash awards to minor members. Mr. Cridlin will check into the same requirements with regard to the 4H.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on August 11.

Respectfully submitted, Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary