Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 19, 2020

Board Members Present
Amy Overbey, President
Mark Kenney, Vice President
Lisa Dommes, Secretary
Meg Ferguson, Treasurer
Ercole Chila
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Bob Trudnak
Brant Williams

Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Mr. Kenney moved to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2020 Board of Directors meeting as submitted. Mr. Schriver seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Membership Survey
Mr. Schriver is working on the membership survey. He requested a copy of the previous survey to use as a starting point. Ms. Overbey will email Brian Walrath and Luke Darnell to see if they can provide the login to the Survey Monkey account and the verbiage used in the last survey.

2020 Team of the Year Season
Discussion ensued as to how to handle the shortened 2020 competition season. Mr. Cridlin suggested aligning the MABA calendar year with KCBS and counting the contests from November and December 2019 toward the 2020 ToY Points Chase. Ms. Overbey expressed concern that making a retroactive decision would be unfair to teams who could not make an informed decision last fall, knowing that competing in the late contests would also count toward the 2020 season. There may also be too few contests in 2020 to justify a ToY Points Chase this year, even with the addition of the late 2019 contests.

It was suggested that any contests in 2020 could be counted toward a combined 2020/2021 ToY Points Chase. Further discussion was tabled to the June Board meeting when there may be a clearer picture as to how many contests might be held this year. The question of aligning the MABA competition calendar with the KCBS calendar will be included on the membership survey.

Team of the Year Rules Revision
Mr. Schriver moved to approve the revised Team of the Year Rules as presented. Mr. Kenney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Any additional revisions must be submitted before the June Board meeting, when the revised rules will be published to the website along with the revised Rookie Team of the Year Rules and RToY Registration Form.

State Cups
Some of the contests originally selected as State Cups have been cancelled. Other contests are likely to be cancelled in light of the ongoing coronavirus restrictions. Upon discussion, decision on State Cups was tabled until the June meeting when there may be a clearer understanding of the remaining contests for the year. Some states will have no contests this year, and that issue will also need to be addressed.

Committee Reports
Membership Committee: Ms. Overbey requested a monthly report of the members recently past due so that they can be approached about renewing their membership. Mr. Kenney reported that he may have identified better membership management software and may be recommending a change from the current product.

Backyard Subcommittee: Mr. Cridlin proposed creating a Backyard Subcommittee under the Membership Committee to foster the growth of Backyard teams in the region and possibly creating a Backyard Division in MABA. Mr. Schriver noted that as an independent group, Mid Atlantic Backyard BBQ has established their own website and points chase competition for this season. Mr. Cridlin noted that 25% of the Backyard teams registered for the KCBS World Invitational Barbeque Competition are mid-Atlantic teams. Ms. Overbey questioned how many of the Backyard teams are members of MABA. Mr. Cridlin will inquire, particularly with anyone wishing to participate on the sub-committee.

Mr. Cridlin moved to create a Backyard Subcommittee under the Membership Committee to investigate which direction to take with Backyard teams within MABA. Mr. Chila seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Communications Committee: Ms. Dommes reported that there has not been much to report on social media or other channels with contests being canceled. Ms. Overbey requested that an email go out to the membership after the June meeting when the revised ToY and RToY rules are finalized, and the RToY registration form and updated rules have been posted to the website. Mr. Williams will obtain verbiage from David at Gunter Wilhelm regarding a MABA discount program. That information will also be put out to the membership.

Mr. Cridlin moved to reimburse Ms. Dommes for the cost of the Zoom account being used for Board meetings and other MABA events. Mr. Kenney seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Rookie Team of the Year Rules
The Board discussed revisions to the Rookie Team of the Year Rules.

Mr. Kenney moved to approve the Rookie Team of the Year Rules as revised, with the final date of registration requirement to be decided by the June meeting. Mr. Cridlin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The rules will be finalized by the June meeting and posted to the website along with the updated ToY Rules and the RToY Online Registration Form. Mr. Kenney will finalize the RToY Registration Form and forward it to the Board for review.

Finance Committee: Ms. Ferguson reported that the check from the Butcher Shoppe for the points chase has been received. She will deposit the check as soon as she can. Mr. Kenney reported that the website domain registration renewed.

Bylaws Committee: No report as Mr. Darnell was absent.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on June 9.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary