Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 14, 2020

Mid Atlantic Barbecue Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
April 14, 2020

Board Members Present
Amy Overbey President
Mark Kenney Vice President
Lisa Dommes Secretary
Meg Ferguson Treasurer
Ercole Chila
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Brant Williams

Board Members Absent
Bob Trudnak

Call to Order

Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the February 12 and March 2, 2020 Board of Directors meetings, and the minutes of the February 22 Annual Meeting were approved as submitted.

Membership Survey

The Board discussed sending a survey to the membership regarding the banquet to include any changes members would like to see regarding the banquet and a potential change of location next year and beyond. Mr. Schriver will create the survey and Ms. Dommes will send it out to the membership.

Raffle Contest Donations

The Board is receiving questions about contest entries won in the banquet raffle to contests that have now been canceled. Some organizers have agreed to honor those free entries at next year’s contest. This may have an impact on next year’s raffle donations if organizers are already honoring the prior year’s free entry. The Board will encourage organizers to honor the entries won at this year’s raffle.

Team of the Year

Discussion ensued regarding revisions to Team of the Year Rules. The Board reviewed and edited the Team of the Year rules line by line. Ms. Overbey asked the Board members to review these revised ToY Rules one more time and be prepared to approve them at the next Board meeting.

Committee Reports

None submitted.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on May 12.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary