Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 27, 2020
Mid Atlantic Barbecue Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
January 27, 2020
Board Members Present
Amy Overbey President
Mark Kenney Vice President
Lisa Dommes Secretary
Meg Ferguson Treasurer
Ercole Chila
Chiles Cridlin
Chris Schriver
Brant Williams
Board Members Absent
Bob Trudnak
Others Present
Luke Darnell
Brian Walrath
Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.
Membership Committee Report
No report since the last Board meeting was just a few weeks ago.
Publications Committee Report
Ms. Dommes reported that she met with Brian Walrath to go over the duties of the Secretary. Announcements of donations to the banquet contest raffle are being posted to the Facebook page.
Finance Committee Report
No report since the last Board meeting was just a few weeks ago. End of month financial statements will be presented at the February meeting.
Projects submitted for consideration this year:
- Developing a ToY Division for backyard teams. In-depth discussion was tabled until after the banquet due to the complexity of this project and the need to establish a scoring system.
- Increase/expand the Tier 2 ToY payouts for the end of the 2020 season. In-depth discussion was tabled until after the banquet when the bulk of the income for the year has been received to determine available funding.
- Sponsorship of the Wild Child to take the administrative and financial burden off of Piggin’ Whiskey and leverage the 9:22 category draw as an opportunity to promote MABA and enlist new members. Discussion ongoing, and pending receipt of final cost versus available funding.
Website Committee Report
Mr. Kenney reported that the website is being updated to include the new Board members. Passwords and access are being updated. Ms. Overbey will be posting the contests that have donated entries to the banquet raffle to the calendar first to highlight them. The rest of the contests in the Mid Atlantic will be added later.
Board Meeting Calendar
The next Board meeting will be held on February 13, and will be scheduled for the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. going forward.
Banquet Update
Donations to the contest raffle continue to come in. Board members are working with regional businesses for cooker donations and other raffle items. To date 94 tickets have been sold or reserved for the banquet. Ms. Ferguson circulated last year’s menu for comment and changes. The final head count is due mid-February.
Committee Discussion and Appointments
The Board members discussed the requirements involved in serving on each committee.
a. Membership Committee – Mr. Cridlin expressed interest in chairing the Membership Committee. He will give it more consideration. Committee appointments were tabled.
b. Publications Committee – Ms. Dommes, Ms. Overbey and Mr. Kenney will be involved in this committee. Mr. Williams expressed an interest in joining as well. The Board members discussed streaming contest awards to the MABA Facebook page, and recognizing MABA teams for calls after contests.
c. Finance Committee – The Board agreed that Ms. Ferguson will continue as the Finance Committee Chair. Proposed initiatives will be advanced as funds allow, adding benefits and value to members. It was noted that peak membership is complete by mid-April, so funding for 2020 programs can be finalized at that point. The Board will reevaluate the subscription structure to National BBQ News after the Annual Meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.