Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 12, 2020

Mid Atlantic Barbecue Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
February 12, 2020

Board Members Present
Amy Overbey      President
Mark Kenney      Vice President
Lisa Dommes      Secretary
Meg Ferguson     Treasurer
Ercole Chila
Chris Schriver

Board Members Absent
Chiles Cridlin
Bob Trudnak
Brant Williams

Others Present
Luke Darnell
Brian Walrath

Call to Order
Ms. Overbey called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., noting the presence of a quorum.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Mr. Kenney moved to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2020 Board of Directors meeting as amended. Mr. Chila seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

President’s Report
Ms. Overbey reported that she has responded to a request for interview from an Internet based television show from Northern New Jersey. Mr. Williams will respond as well. All other Board members are welcome to participate. Ms. Overbey thanked the Board members for their fast response time to all issues presented.

Banquet Update
The guest list for the banquet currently stands at 122. Ms. Overbey and Mr. Kenney are reviewing the final points standings to validate the ToY standings. Contest Raffle donation entries continue to come in. Acknowledgements of donations are being posted to Facebook. Zom B Que has donated a Backyard entry to the contest raffle. Discussion ensued as to how to best raffle the donation since backyard teams do not typically participate in the contest raffle, and pro teams would not have use for a backyard contest entry. Ms. Ferguson will send out the banquet schedule with parking and unloading instructions. Mr. Darnell will provide a sample script to Ms. Overbey.

Mr. Schriver moved to raffle the backyard contest entry to Zom B Que by pulling a team name from all the backyard teams in attendance at the banquet. Mr. Kenney seconded and it carried unanimously.

State Cup Assignments
The Board discussed the MABA State Cup assignments for 2020.

New York: Mr. Kenney moved and Ms. Ferguson seconded the motion to designate Rotary Rhythm and Blues as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

New Jersey: Ms. Ferguson moved and Mr. Kenney seconded the motion to designate Red, White and Que as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

Delaware: Mr. Kenney moved and Ms. Ferguson seconded the motion to designate New Castle as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

Pennsylvania: Discussion was tabled.

Maryland: Ms. Dommes moved and Mr. Kenney seconded the motion to designate Beltway as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

Virginia: Discussion was tabled.

North Carolina: Ms. Ferguson moved and Mr. Kenney seconded the motion to designate Tilley Biker Blues and BBQ as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

West Virginia: Ms. Ferguson moved and Mr. Kenney seconded the motion to designate Almost Heaven as the State Cup. The motion carried unanimously.

For 2021, the Board will consider how the State Cups are designated, based on member input and possibly having organizers apply for the designation.

Committee Appointments
Membership Committee – Chiles Cridlin
Publications Committee – Lisa Dommes
Website Committee: Mark Kenney
Finance Committee – Megan Ferguson
Bylaws Committee – Mark Kenney
Sanctioning Committee – tabled

Next Meeting Scheduled for 3/2/2020 – Topics

  • Reestablish access to social media platforms, reset login information for Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.
  • Clean up outdated email accounts.
  • Recruiting for committees.
  • Bylaw review.
  • RToY and Tier 2 ToY award revisions.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Dommes, Board Secretary