Pigs in the Pit Alton, VA

Pigs in the Pit was a new contest in Alton, VA hosted at the Virginia International Raceway. ?The entire event and area in southern Virginia were greatly affected by the remnants of Hurricane Michael. ?Power issues in surrounding areas, highways that were flooded out, and thousands of down trees blocking many highways made it a challenge just to get to the venue. ?In fact, power was restored to the venue just hours before most teams arrived. ?Parts of the track were flooded so all events including racing and an Oktoberfest beer festival were cancelled. ?The only event that went on as planned the entire weekend was the barbecue contest…we’re a resilient bunch!
The organizers did a great job for a first year contest and every one of our needs were met the entire weekend. ?Perhaps the other events being cancelled was a blessing in disguise because it gave this first year contest a chance to get a KCBS event under their belt before adding many other events on top of it.
When the dust settled and the awards were handed out, it was Wolf’s Revenge taking grand champion. ?Congratulations to 3n1 Q on reserve!
See full KCBS results here.