Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest Woodstock, VA
by Brian Walrath, MABA Board Member and Pitmaster for Brown Liquor BBQ

Autumnfest in Woodstock, Virginia is sort of the unofficial last barbecue competition for many in the Mid-Atlantic region. Because of this, it’s become a tradition that there’s a gathering of teams for a potluck end of the year soiree to close out the season on Saturday night after awards! This year would be no different, except that we would dedicate this party to celebrate Jerry and Mary Dyer of JD’s Smokin Misfits’ barbecue career! What began in the early 80s as a way to relax, ended at Woodstock as Jerry and Mary will turn the team over to their daughter Tracy next year. Oh, they’ll still be around though. Jerry assured me we’ll still see his smiling face and probably even have some “Jerry Juice” in tow!

Woodstock is pretty well known for having some turbulent weather. Cold temps and wind are the norm. But, the barbecue gods threw us a softball this weekend, perhaps showing mercy on us for a year of bad winds, snow, rain, and intense heat! Temperatures were in the high 60s to mid 70s all weekend with just slightly chilly, but comfortable temps at night.

The track at Woodstock, a hot bed for harness horse racing, underwent massive improvements and all the teams were back on the track, but much closer to each other, making it nice to visit and chat with friends throughout the weekend. About a third of the competitors participated in a well run People’s Choice event and the great weather brought out droves of fair goers who enjoyed the many crafters, wineries, and breweries present. All in all, a great event, and weekend!
Ok, now for the all important results!
First place winners:
Chicken – Team Meat Coma
Ribs –Sauce This BBQ
Pork –Sauce This BBQ
Brisket –Rockin Robyns BBQ
Grand Champion – 3 Eyz BBQ
Reserve Grand Champion – Sauce This BBQ
Check out the full competition results here.