Brian Walrath / Secretary
I’m the pitmaster for Brown Liquor BBQ. I’m also a MABA and KCBS member for five years and a certified barbecue judge. My team has been competing five years and it’s become an absolute passion of mine. MABA is an organization that I strongly believe in, support, and want to see grow.
My occupation running a membership department for a trade association I feel suits me very well to take on a leadership role with MABA. I’ve worked for many types of non-profit associations for over 15 years and I have knowledge and experience in the way associations work and their purpose for the members they serve. I currently lead a membership department for a floral trade association that represents a very diverse membership that includes growers in many other countries, wholesalers, suppliers, and retail florists. I say this because I believe that MABA’s growth potential lies in getting many types of individuals and businesses involved to help grow barbecue…ALL barbecue, not just the many competition cooks but also judges, backyard enthusiasts, suppliers, manufacturers, mom and pop shops, and even other barbecue associations.
I get excited when I think about the talented and fine people in the Mid-Atlantic and vast resources and expertise we have right here that we can tap to help grow MABA. I want to see MABA be the best regional barbecue association in the nation and grow at the same pace that KCBS and barbecue in general has.